Ending discrimination against people living with HIV will protect people's health and lives. It is a moral imperative.
It is our responsibility to ensure these young people have access to physical and mental health care, medication, food, and housing.
Capacity building assistance (CBA) is a process for equipping the nation's HIV prevention workforce including staff at state and local health departments, community-based organizations (CBOs).
By building individual competencies and technical expertise, strengthening organizational capacities, and enabling supportive structural environments, the provision of CBA is critical.
The impact of HIV/AIDS on education presents a major challenge to the futures of developing economies in Africa.
Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to identify and advocate for education policies that address the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education system.
Implemented in the summer of 1995, Football to Promote Health and Social Responsibility within Communities drew on Malawi's passion for football. The programme organisers included Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), and the BBC World Service Trust.